Den som är det mindsta intresserad av fotboll skulle säkert tycka det var roligt att nått av lagen i den högre ligan spelar mot mallorca på arenan tvärs över gatan. För mig är det bara ett störande moment när jag försöker kolla på simpsons... Min behållning av matchen som gick på tv igår var den rätt så snygga sparken som nån i det orangea laget fick in i bröstet på en i det svarta laget, råkade zappa förbi precis när dom visade reprisen. I min värld så var det helt klart en poänggivande spark (iof så använder vi inte dojor med dobbar på i dojon).
Blog ideas
People and their cars
'Tack för att du gör mig hel' lappen jag hittade på gatan
Soups (5 of them)
Original people
My obsession with lists and order
Sandboxes, and my obsession with order in said boxes
Why do I only have the energy to search out the lowest price on some specific items and not all. And why is it that I can go to extremes to buy those items at the cheapest place and just ignore the other items?
Photos, cameras, camera gear, money, phones, stuff...
Yea, as you can see, I have a lot of ideas, but the creative side of me is in a state of rest at the moment. But one day I will bounce back and once again be a source of your daily procrastination routine...
'Tack för att du gör mig hel' lappen jag hittade på gatan
Soups (5 of them)
Original people
My obsession with lists and order
Sandboxes, and my obsession with order in said boxes
Why do I only have the energy to search out the lowest price on some specific items and not all. And why is it that I can go to extremes to buy those items at the cheapest place and just ignore the other items?
Photos, cameras, camera gear, money, phones, stuff...
Yea, as you can see, I have a lot of ideas, but the creative side of me is in a state of rest at the moment. But one day I will bounce back and once again be a source of your daily procrastination routine...
Some things really get me going
Most of the time I think that I do not react especially hard on things. But some things really get me going. Pan flute Indians are one of those things. I just can not stand them. In this town they occupy the same place on the main street every summer and today was the first time that I encountered them this year. I was walking along and just caught a tone floating in the air and my brain directly came to attention. A few steps later I was certain and I stooped dead right there. I caught a glimpse of a feather and turned the stroller around and went in a circular motion around them with a couple of blocks in between. It is just what I need, another reason to not walk down to the centre of the town. (Ok, this was not one of my best rants ever, but it is the best I can produce under these conditions..)
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