
(censored) her!

Just as I was entering a building the other day I happened to overhear a mother talking to her four year old. He said something on the line of 'Hey, there is the mail man, do you think we will get some mail?´ Her retort was a snide remark that I was obviously meant to hear that basically said that 'We will probably not get something cause those guys are so useless that they deliver the mail wrong almost all the time'.

I stopped in my tracks and almost confronted her. And I should have, I should just have turned to her and asked, 'Sorry, I could not help overhearing, is there something that I do wrong? Have I delivered your mail to the wrong door by misstake?' in a pleasant tone of voice and with a nice smile. Instead I continued through the door, got in the elevator and started fuming over her remark and the fact that I was to chicken to confront her.

Now all I can say is (censored) that (censored). (censored) her. I take my job bloody serious and I am meticulous about getting the right letters delivered to the right recipient. Errors can of course occur, especially if I think, e.g., that Johnsson, M, lives with Johnsson, K while they actually lives with Johnsson, B. (A little note on the door might fix that problem by the way. We mail men are capable of reading, telepathy though, is seldom our strongest ability.)

If she had just told me that, 'sorry, my mail often gets mixed up with Johnsson's on the second floor, could you please be more careful', I would have cared, I would even have felt really bad for the mistake, Maybe I would have lost sleep over it even, but now - (censored) her and her bloody problems.