You are not allowed to destroy
each others pictures in the sand.
You may ...
Written by Tage
My wife said tonight that her first book was a collection of her impression of people. This person is nice. That person is funny. That really hit a spot in my memory from back in the days. Not of writing books. Not even of a time when I was four. But back in the early days of my computerized life. Lets say it was in 7'th grade (I am really unsure of the correct time, but when I think of the people involved it kind of ends up around there). Back then I wrote a Incredibly complex BASIC program on my C64 that, if you entered a persons name (probably people in my class), wrote on the screen a small tidbit on that person.
Enter a name: Kristoffer
Kristoffer is good at ...
I wonder. I really wonder, if this program is still somewhere in my digital archive. Could it be worth going down to the basement and digging through old boxes, finding old floppys, get a computer to read them and look for that specific program among dozens and dozens of programs and texts and stuff. Is it there to be found? What can I learn of myself as a teenager?
Or Maybe I should just construct a new such 'program' and enter a sentence or two about each and every person that is part of my social network. In the style of the early teen Mattias of course. And then put it up on a webpage somewhere for the whole world to enjoy.