I know. I do it to. But that does not mean that I can not complain when other people do it right? (maybe it does, but here goes anyway)
Buying a bike to my kid, the salesman asks - is it for a boy or a girl? And I almost flip. Its a bike. It should have two wheels, pedals, breaks, a seat and a steering device. Why should this purchase in any way be determined by the gender of the kid? Why should a girl need to have a basket on her pink bicycle? Argh. Why can I not buy a gender neutral bike?
Then I turn around and hears that an acquaintance is expecting a child and the first thing I ask is - is it a boy or a girl?
(That and the fact that I think that all princess stories where the girl is depicted as a helpless being frothed in pink should be hidden away deep in the library and movie vendors cellars is my contribution to the gender debate)