

- Men Mattias, det var länge sedan du kom med några riktigt bra Husmorstips, har du inga på lager?
- Jo, det har jag faktiskt. Ett som jag är riktigt nöjd med och som har underlättat hemarbetet något fenomenalt.

Skaffa tre (eller fler) separata tvättkorgar. Vi kör en för vitt 60, en för mörk 60, och en (stor) för mörk 40. När man tvättar är det bara att slänga in allt från en korg in i maskinen och köra. Har ni mindre barn så underlättas nog sorteringen om man fixar bilder på korgarna av vad som ska slängas var, men så långt har jag inte kommit än (jag bara kört med systemet i tre fyra år...)


You know the feeling

You all know the feeling when you walk out of the office to take a leak and then end up waiting in the corridor to get back to the office because your path is blocked by the prime minister, his wife and a heck of a lot of students taking a tour of the school.


40 minutes

I realised a couple of years ago that the 40 minutes of FREE time that is created when you bring your kid to swim class is actually perfectly suited to read a book. Once a week you have a determined slot were you can immerse yourself in the book that's been on your bed side table fighting for attention with twitter, netflix, podcasts... (and always loosing).

Yesterday I brought my camera instead and took a short hike in the woods close by.
I highly recommend finding a small fixed window of time every week where your phone does not get to participate and you dedicate your time on some form of 'old school' activity instead. (Or just sit there quietly meditating over a cup of coffee). 



I know that I was naive.
I know that I was fooling myself.
But a little part of me thought that when I left the mail-man gig I would be a lot less tired. And that I would be able to use that energy in lots of creative ways.

I would start blogging again.
I would photograph more.
I would complete more projects that I am usually so good at starting but almost never finish.

But of course the physical tiredness has been replaced by mental tiredness. Being a (more than full time) student where half the days are spent in a school observing, or giving, lessons and the other half taking classes (and the rest of the day reading, preparing, writing..) does take its toll.
It has even gone so far that I happily bike home in silence some days (compared to a month ago when I went crazy if I could not fill every woken hour with podcasts streaming straight into my brain).

But then again.
I did finish a working (prototype) of my camera trigger that I have been planing for more than a year.
And I did go on a fifteen minute walk to document the demolition of the school next door with my camera last Saturday.
And here I am, writing away on a blog-post for the first time in ages on a Friday evening.