

So, did I ever get around telling you about my mental block? I guess not, because I have a mental block about it. 

I have a serious problem about getting things done. Especially stuff that I will feel bad about not getting done. Like paying bills on time (I always pay them, but also always one day late). Like watering my houseplants (I can observe them needing water and think about watering them every day for a week or so before I get around to doing it. Delaying these things always puts me in a spot of self hatred and loathing. 

But I have a way out. A sure way of getting these things done. 

It is an app. A reminder app that I can set to 'Remind me to do this at the end of the month', OR, 'Remind me to do this every 7 days'.. When the time is up it asks me if the task is completed, and if it is not there is a snooze button that delays the task one day (/hour/minute). If the task should be performed at regular intervals, like watering the flowers, the reminder resets to e.g. 7 days once I press 'task completed'...

So, every time I pay my bills late or avoid watering the flowers I think of getting around to programming the app and how great it would be for me. But I am never getting around to actually doing that either. I procrastinate doing the thing that would help me with my procrastination. And I have also procrastinated writing this blog post for years, but I finally got around doing it. 

(The app would also be great for reminding people to take their medicine...)