Cat and mouse game
I happen to interrupt a cat and mouse game while riding to work this morning. A game with a real cat. And a real mouse. The cat looked at me and while it was distracted the mouse saw its once in a lifetime opportunity and ran away. I could not hang around to watch the rest of the game, and maybe that was good, cause it seems that the outcome of these matches are influenced by the spectators and that is simply not the way it is supposed to be.
Its a beautiful day
On days like this it is impossible to resist. You just have to sing! 'ITS A BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!!', and as I was riding along on my moped, singing loudly, smiling from ear to ear, people lifted their heavy heads from the morning paper and porridge saying to their partner 'what is that nut-job up to???'. I was high, high on the sweetest drug of them all, the reality of leaving my job way before lunch cause all the work is finished!!! I am still high, sitting in my couch with a big grin on my face, ordering some photo-gear, the rest of the afternoon is free,
and I am singing ... 'Its a beautiful day!!!'
and I am singing ... 'Its a beautiful day!!!'
Driving around
'Driving around on my EU moped,
my two cold hands at the handles,
both the visor and glasses are fucked,
due to all the humidity and mist,
can't really see nothing at all,
when I'm going back to the old office´
Ok, maybe Chuck Berry's version had a more poetic twist to it...
my two cold hands at the handles,
both the visor and glasses are fucked,
due to all the humidity and mist,
can't really see nothing at all,
when I'm going back to the old office´
Ok, maybe Chuck Berry's version had a more poetic twist to it...
I was met by a loud 'AAhrrgh!!! Ride your bike faster!!!' (eller mer korrekt 'AAhrrgh! Cykla fortare!!!) on my way to work. This was rather surprising. It was also quite surprising to see someone that drunk at 6:52 in the morning, outside in the cold (-10°C), kicking an electric cabinet, yelling at people passing by. I mean, If for some strange reason I would be that intoxicated that early in the morning I would not go out into the cold. I might kick cupboards, and I might yell at people, but I would stay inside where it is warm. But then I might be wrong.
Returning to my roots, and it feels good
I have returned to my roots after a couple of excursions into other styles, and my oh my does it feel right to be back! Shotokan was ok, Aikido was fun but I met a girl and moved away, Goju ryu was not for me. Wado is for me. It feels like I have found my way home. It feels good. (Oh, I am talking about budo/karate if you are wondering...)
Will it not end?
It has been hard since Christmas. Lots of mail, lots of heavy catalogs, lots of 30 kg heavy boxes to lift, a couple of people short every day, long days that start in the dark and end in the dark (Ok, to be fair, we are outside in the sun 3-4 hours every day). It would be nice with a short regular day now. HEAR ME MAIL GODS! ONE SHORT EASY DAY, THAT IS ALL I ASK.
Oh, Do you have a dog? Do you live in a regular flat? Do you have a slit in the door for the mail? Did you get a catalog one of these days? Is your dog limping? I think I know why. Well, at least maybe it learned a lesson, not to bark at the mailman.
Oh, Do you have a dog? Do you live in a regular flat? Do you have a slit in the door for the mail? Did you get a catalog one of these days? Is your dog limping? I think I know why. Well, at least maybe it learned a lesson, not to bark at the mailman.
Soup #33
If you are blind you will like this one. Green lentil and bacon soup. It was easy enough to make but it took some time on the stove. And the taste was rather good, reminded a lot of pea soup (and in fact I tried it with some mustard, which was good). But it did not look tasty at all, a green brown mush. Ingredients? Green lentils, a carrot, a yellow onion, a couple of cloves of garlic, bacon, a stem of celery, parsley, a bay leaf, chicken broth, that was about it I think.
(oh, by the way, I had made a mistake with the numbers once again, maybe it is correct now. And I know how much you all have missed the early soups so I will see if I can find them somewhere.)
(oh, by the way, I had made a mistake with the numbers once again, maybe it is correct now. And I know how much you all have missed the early soups so I will see if I can find them somewhere.)
Många döda i Stockholm under nyår
Det har inte varit en nyhet, men jag är säker på min sak. Det var många som blev allvarligt skadade och många som dog efter sviterna av korsordet som DN publicerade på nyårsafton. Problemet var inte att det var så svårt att folk begick självmord, nä, problemet för dom stackars stockholmarna var att det kryllade av göteborgshumor i det. Några exempel 'Spetsig fågel? Nä, olikhet' (kontrast), 'Arlandafrukt? Nä, men snabbtåg'' (arlandabanan), 'Brittiska raspen?, nä englandsvännen' (10 bokstäver), 'hög tax?' (13) etc etc. Sånt här är ju något som roar såna som mig, men jag kan tänka mig att DN's huvudmålgrupp drog mycket djupa suckar (som ledde till hyperventilation och alla komplikationer som det medför) och många slag för pannan (med allvarliga hjärnskakningar som följd). Jag vill att ni minns detta inlägg när ni läser om alla oförklarliga dödsfall som inträffade i storstaden under dagarna kring nyår. Nu är bara frågan, var det gjort med mening? Är det så att korsordsskaparen har något emot stockholmare och vill dom illa? Och borde man isåfall stoppa henne?
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