
An ethics question

I've got an ethics question for you (your wote counts, be sure to make your voice heard by writing a comment!).

Is it ok for someone, lets say for example a humble mailman, to pinch of shoots from flowers in staircases to take home and plant?


soup #34

French onion soup. If you consider the ingredients, which are basically yellow onion, butter, flour, broth and Dijon mustard, it is amazing that it turns out so good. The soup is made pretty much the way you make soup, but then it is gratinated in the oven with some roasted white bread with cheese on top.
Great! But it was maybe not the best idea ever to do it on the hottest day so far this year..


Japanese game show

A thought happened to cross my mind for no apparent reason today. Why are they going through all the trouble of coming up with crazy ideas like 'I survived a Japanese game show'. Why not just make a show (yes I do realize that this is just such a crazy idea that I spoke of in the previous sentence) where you win if you manage to shop at ikea without getting anxiety attacks.

# of deer spotted during the drive to Västerås and back: 4



Searching myself I happened to stumble onto this: a blog about nothing My old blog. My old blog that is on my uppsala university account. The account that has been closed for a year or so. The blog that I thought was lost as my backups was destroyed in multiple hard drive crashes. It is back. And it is well worth a read if you have time over and are one of the few that did not read it 'live'.


Mayby not original

I like to be a little original when I write here. Maybe you have noticed, or maybe I have failed and am more like everyone else. Anyhow, in this post I am not trying to be original.

I am going on a trip down to Herrljunga today, to spend the weekend hitting other people, and trying to avoid being hit myself. To get there I am going to ((oh, highlander on tv6, classic)) use the excellent service that SJ provides. Or wait, no, to travel with them is a lottery and although I do enjoy to take part of a lottery now and again I actually prefer to get where I am supposed to get within a time frame agreed upon beforehand when I travel. I am kind of boring that way.


Turn of shame

You all probably know of the 'walk of fame', and the term 'walk of shame'. The 'turn of shame' is maybe not as known to the large masses, but in my life it is a frequent thing. It is when you have sorted the mail wrong on a villa street and you have to do a 180 to go back to the mailbox you just left. To me this sucks, mostly cause I like to think that I am rather careful when I sort the mail and hence should not make such mistakes and now I show to anyone out there that 'hey! look at me, I made a mistake!!!'. (This is of-course related to my total lack of self esteem, (a subject that I have been meaning to write about but have not been able to make it funny enough to publish here...)).
The 'turn of shame' does have a nastier cousin, the 'turn of even more shame', this is when you give the mail directly to the person living at an address, say 'good day' with a smile and drive of, and then realize that you have to do a 180. This just screams incompetent idiot loud enough so that everyone can hear.



I was met with this sight today:

After a close study of the blood splatter pattern I deduced that it was not the result of a gunshot wound, nor a knife stabbing. I thought it was a nosebleed and continued on with what I was doing. I later met up with the cleaning ladies and got the true story behind the crime. The Posten lady had been attacked by a cat through the mailbox. It had planted a claw in her hand and managed to afflict quite a bit of damage. Sometimes it's exiting to be a mailman.