Is there anyone else who has noticed that if you increase the temperature in the shower while you are in it there is a spike in the temperature that lasts only parts of a second before it evens out at the new setting. I think of this quite a bit and am rather convinced that it is a real phenomena and not an imaginary one, but I need a fast IR thermometer to confirm, which I do not have. The only explanation that I have is that when you turn the dial a turbulence is created that momentarily disturbs the flow and for a moment sends more hot water than it should down the hose. Why the spike always are hot I have no explanation for.
And while we are at it, have you noticed that while taking a shower at a communal shower (like at the gym/training hall) where you push a button and get a random period of shower time, that while you are in the shower that period is very short and you have to press the button over and over again to get the soap out of your eyes, but when you are finished and get out of the shower the water just keeps coming. How the hell does the shower know that I have soap in my eyes?
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