

This week me and Tage have spent more than an hour each day in the forest looking for mushrooms. Except for today we have gone to the smallish forest a couple of hundred meters from here. This one: (We live in the house under 'Earth')

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Since the forest is so close to the town, in fact it is in the town, it is a very popular recreational area. A lot of people move around there and even if not everyone looks for mushrooms I always see people who do just that, but even so, I have had no problem at all finding around 4 litres every day (Chanterelle, Funnel Chanterelle and Trumpet of death (cool name!) mostly). Today I thought I would change it up a bit and take a bike trip a bit further away, to go where not so many other people have gone before. Compared to just getting the stroller and going into the woods it was quite a bit harder. I am not very used to biking around with a little kid on the back of the bike, and getting on and off is a bit tricky... I also had to carry him almost everywhere we went. So, lets have a quick quiz: how much do you think I found today?


Elisabeth Undén & Jonas Wilson said...

I think you found 2 litres...

mattiaseklund said...

No, it was not even a half...