
You deserve better

Or at least something new. I have been totally lazy these last months. Or No, not lazy per se, more tired and unable to put anything interesting down on paper, or the paper substitute that this is. It is not that I do not have the time, I have just now been laying on my bed with a sleeping infant in the same room for the last couple of hours, doing nothing really.

I have been thinking about blogging, even started a few entries, but they all landed on the cutting room floor. As I am sure that this will.

I admire people who can formulate long imaginative texts every day, or once a week for that matter. But also those who can post nice photos as often. I have thought of doing that, posting a photo a day or something, just to get creative and do something, but My stupid brain stops me every time I try. Or rather, it is my lack of skill compared to my (maybe too) high standards that stops me (which is very stupid I know, cause come on, it is not like this is important or anything. It is not a job, I do not get paid to do this, and you do not get paid to read it (if you are not doing it at work, which some of you probably are) and no one is going to 'discover' me through this blog. No one is going to stumble in here and find my writing/photography so great that they will pay me to do it (right?)).
Anyway, that is the way that I think, I do not want to post a pic that I am not a 100 per cent satisfied with, and if I sift through my rather large collection of photos the number of 'great' ones is depressingly low. I have tried to ignore my brain and just share anyway, but have not jet succeeded. (The fact that I have all my photos on a computer without internet connection, with makes it a bit of a bother to upload stuff, sure ain´t helpin either).

I have had a much lower threshold for my texts before (they are a real mix between low points and a couple of read-worthy ones) but after a break I get some kind of a stage fright and think that everything I write must be well written, thought through, funny, note worthy, interesting and funny. But fu"k that, here goes nothing, Lets push publish and see what happens!

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