
Good idea or Bad idea?

I woke up this morning with a business idea, (I do that sometimes) and I need you to tell me if it is a good one or if it is a dead end. The idea is to start a First Aid for flowers. People gives me a call if their flowers are circling the drain and I show up and do my best to fix them. New soil, new pots, right amount of water and nourishment, correct placement so that they get the appropriate amount of light etc. If their Orchids don't flower again I give suggestions on how they should be handled, Oh, no wait. That one I can not do. I am horrible at getting my orchids to flower again. My phaleonopsis was close a month ago, but of course I managed to break off the new stem. But ok, I will learn that and then share that knowledge with my customers.

So, what do you think? Is it a real possibility? Would it work?

1 comment:

slabbe said...

Yeah ... ehm ... my bamboo seems to be dying all of a sudden. What should I do??! :)