

I tend to procrastinate. In the old days back at uu there was nothing strange about it, I mean, that what a PhD does. Check email. Check dn on-line. See if there is something new up on wired or slashdot. Scan through the rss feeds to see if anyone has updated their blogs. Read phd comic, ctrl-alt-delete and get fuzzy, frazz and pearls before swine on comics.com. And It was all good. A welcome break... But now? I don't have 20 articles that I should have read last week. I don't have data that I should have analysed and understood some time ago. I don't have a thesis to write. I am just home being a dad. And yea, I understand that a few laughs is great as relaxation between periods of screaming and or diaper changes, and it is fun to keep updated on what's going on in the world. But why do I almost manically watch if I have received any new emails when the fact is that I get one perhaps every other day (at most)?

1 comment:

[cmh] said...

Procrastination moves in mysterious ways...