
I was

I was going to rave about how much 'cirkus möller' sucked, but then I took a look at my tracker results and noticed that almost no one reads me right now so I can't be bothered. Why should I waste some great raving??? I have always looked at this as a way of being creative and never cared about the low reader count but today I cared. Today the person checking in does not get to know how much I thought the program sucked. He/she does not get to know that the quality was oh so much lower than Glocalnet. I just had to watch the first episode to make sure that it could not be as bad as the trailer hinted at, and it wasn't. It was fucking worse.


[cmh] said...

Betänk att vi som mestadels läser bloggen via RSS förmodligen inte dyker upp i trackern.

mattiaseklund said...

Betyder det att jag egentligen har jättemånga läsare???
Kan inte alla mina läsare säga 'Hej' här nere så jag får se er!!!!!

[cmh] said...

Hehe, ja en annan feature med att läsa via Google Reader är ju att man inte kan se kommentarer ;) I alla fall så kan inte jag se dem från Blogger bloggar (Wordpress däremot). Så de som läser via RSS ser förmodligen inte din uppmaning heller...