

I do not know what you are going to do, but I am going to get vaccinated when my time comes. And my reason is simple. It is cause I just know that if I don't I'll get sick and just before I die I would say 'if I just had not been so stupid and ignored the vaccine shot´. I know that the chances that I would get sick are slim almost none, but I also know that there is a law that states that if something can go wrong it will. That law is also what keeps me from downloading stuff from e.g. piratebay. I just know that if I did that now I would get caught and then used by some company as an example and be fined an infinite amount of money. Even if the stuff that I would download would be a tv-series episode, one that has been aired on tv, an episode that I hence could have recorded on my vcr and watched whenever I wanted. I could even have skipped the commercials by pressing the fast forward button. I can not get into my brain why the hell that would be illegal. I. Do. Not. Get. It. I do know that because of us downloaders (yes I used to be one) the tv-companies in Sweden started to air tv-shows with only a couple of weeks delay instead of several years as it was before. Man, I really wish I could get my thumb out of my ass and get a anonymizer service and a faster internet connection so that I could start to watch whatever I wanted instead of the crap re-runs that are on the tube... Fucking hate politics. 'no no, we will never go after the little man, that I promise you'. yea. sure.

But still. I do not download. And I will get the vaccine shot as soon as I can.

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