
Soup #35

It is back! Once again it is back, your favourite segment on this blog - The soups. (For those of you that can't remember what it was all about: I make all the soups in a book with 85 different soups in it and write about the experience here on the blog. I went into the project with gusto but have kind of slowed down a bit lately (only two new soups were made last year). I do however mean to finish the project.)

Wonton soup was on the menu today. A mixture of fish, crab, ginger, garlic and spring onions were put on a square of wonton dough which then was folded and glued together with a little water. The dumplings were then cooked in a chicken broth together with shallots, ginger and a little sugar. The soup was finished of with rise vinegar, soy, spring onions, parsley and sesame oil.

I must say that it was great. It took some time to make the dumplings, but considering that it was the first time it was not too bad. It was rather easy to make and the result was a well balanced soup with lots of great dumplings.

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