
Can't sleep

My brain went into overdrive and I can not fall asleep. So, let me try some ideas on you to see what you think.

- On one of my mail routes there is a garden where they have put white and black pebbles in a 1 meter circle around one of their trees. Wouldn't it be extremely funny to sneak in one night and either remove all the black pebbles, or alternately put them in some nice pattern???

- Fruit. Almost every garden in this country has some kind of fruit tree. And almost all of the fruit on said trees go to waste as the people who owns the gardens are to lazy to pick the fruit. Hence (yes, this is what my brain does when I deliver mail, it tries to solve some of our worlds biggest problems) would it not be a great idea if other people could come in and pick the fruit. So, all of you out there who has apples that you are not going to pick, why don't you put a sign out on the curb that on Saturdays between 10-14 it is ok to come in and pick your fruit. Alternatively, why can people not sell the fruit to stores/dealers the same way that you can sell mushrooms or berries??? (In my mind these ideas are on par with 'pass it forward')

- This is not an idea, just a nice thing that happened to me yesterday... I was entering a building with an arm-full of mail and a young man passed me in the doorway. And when I came around to the elevator I noticed that he had pressed down the elevator as he passed it on his way up to the first floor. He anticipated my need of the elevator and helped me in a small but very nice way. Or maybe he was drunk and lost his balance and just stumbled onto the button, there is no way of knowing.

- If I wrote something, like a book or something, do you think I would have the slightest chance in hell to get it published? If you think yes, tell me what you think I should write. If you do not answer I will interpret it as 'What? The way you write? Hell no! You have the same chance of getting published as my blind cat'. I do hear that writing about your childhood is very popular at the moment. It would be quite fun for me, especially since I do not remember anything... Maybe if I sat down and pried into my brain I could open up some knots and things would come back.

- Oh yea, I almost forgot this nugget. Would it not be funny to roast Tage?? Hmm, I can not remember why I found it extremely funny last week, I had all these one liners that just got me cracking, but now I can't remember any of them. Let me sleep on it and it might come back.

1 comment:

Elisabeth Undén & Jonas Wilson said...

I would really like to read about your childhood! I think it is extremely interesting with people that don't remember what they did as a child. You could write a story about how you find out how it was (interviewing relatives and so forth), thinking and perhaps hypnosis...