

Finally a nice and slow day in a week that otherwise has been full of long, stressful days. And on top of that, I made it home just before the rain came to town. Now I will spend the afternoon watching tv shows, starting with the latest episode of weeds. Speaking of tv shows, I caught the first ep. of the new series Generation Kill last night. It is a really well written mini series that is based on what a Rolling stones reporter experienced in the beginning of the Irak invasion. Alexander Skarsgård has a lead role and manages to portray an American youth quite well. The only thing that bothered me in this first episode was the trailer trash cliché guy. (Damn, its raining cats and dogs now, I sure was lucky to get home before this.) (By the way, do anybody know the rules on how to punctuate properly when using parenthesis like I do now? I always get confused...) Anyhow, I just thought it was unnecessary to make it so fucking obvious that he was a red neck racist son of a bitch. Other than that, I really recommend the show. (An extra plus for the ladies: There is plenty of nude/semi-nude hot well-trained sweaty young hunks to rest your eyes at.)

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