
I am in the swamp

I am back in the swamp again. I need a new phone. The one I inherited from my sister shuts of when I have it in my pocket. This led to the resent state of the phone, it is locked and I need the PUK code (which I of course can't find). So, I am down in, and lost in, the phone buying swamp. I want an Iphone but it is just to expensive. Leaving the thoughts of an Iphone behind, this is what I want:
  • Small
  • Robust
  • Nice to the touch
  • mp3 player (3mm jack)
  • Great interface
  • Possibility to read my gmail mail
Have been thinking of a Nokia 5310, is there anyone out there who has that model? Or is there anyone out there who has a phone that fits to the list?

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