
Next blog

Have spent a good part of both today and yesterday pressing the 'next blog' link here on blogspot. I don't really know why, but a good part of the blogs are in Spanish. I do not speak any Spanish. Another good part of the blogs are about kids. It seems that new parents acquire a need of sharing thousands of photos of the newborn. A lot of the blogs from Asia contains lots and lots of photos of smiling Asian girls out on town. This apparently needs to be documented and shared with the world. Creative people are, not very surprisingly, overrepresented in the blog community. (oh, by the way, what the hell is going on here??? I just get an icky feeling... )
Anyway... The lesson learned from these days is that it takes a lot of clicking to find an interesting blog. This one was nice, two people in love leaving the US to go and live in Calgary. Here is some nice photos from Japan, would have liked to be the one to take them. That's about it, two days of clicking boils down to a couple of new bookmarks in the blog folder.

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