
The Naked and the Dead

I bought Norman Mailers novel 'the naked and the dead' on sale some time back and started reading it yesterday, and I must say that I understand completely why it is so highly regarded. After 1/6 of the book I am completely hooked, by the language and the intriguing story that has no dull moments. Yesterday I read until my eyes hurt.

Another thing I did yesterday was to run. The weather was fantastic for the first time in a long time and even if I regretted it the moment the words 'lets go running!' left my lips, it was quite nice. And it was also the first time in a while that training was not a pain. Have been in a bit of a slump lately, hopefully this is a turning point. (Oh, yea, I kind of told CityMail that I train regularly and have great physique in my application for the mailman position today, so if they ask you please pretend that you did not read the above).

Man, I do enjoy sitting in our new couch!

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